Thursday, September 29, 2005
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
:: Iz asked me to ::
Five things I plan to do before I die.
1. To visit every continent in the world.
2. Bungee Jumping
3. Sky Diving
4. Fulfill my granddad's wishes that he put onto my name.
5. Look for the love of my life
Five things I can do.
1. Play PS2 (racing game is my forté)
2. Party all night/morning long - my record is 6 clubs in one night!
3. Design my own house/room
4. Laugh out loud
5. Rap
Five things I cannot do.
1. Watching dubbed movies
2. Play Football - i tried..
3. Unopinionated
4. Read Chinese characters (can probably only read 1%)
5. Beat up a girl
Five things that attract me to the opposite sex.
1. Intelligence (cause stupidity is a sin..)
2. Sweetness (cause I like it that way..)
3. Sexy legs (cause.. er..)
4. Baby fat (I meant really baby fat!..)
5. The nice warm shampoo smell on her hair
Five things I say most often
1. No worries
2. Heyy.. wassuppp...
3. Err..
4. Biatch..
5. Tiu..
Five celebrity crushes
1. Jessica Alba
2. Winona Ryder
3. Natalie Imbruglia
4. Nicky Hilton
5. Faye Wong
Monday, September 26, 2005
:: Human Technology ::
With the arrival of Internet in the 90's (in M'sia) has somewhat changed how the world behaves. With geeks turning into over-night millionairs, kids getting smarter and information travels much quicker, the net has definately created a big impact on our society.
It is pretty funny on how people would perceived when new technology being invented. The believers will adore and preach it, the conservatives will try and look for loopholes and/or promote fear amongst the would-be-followers. Somehow the net has survived the time and all critisism and proven itself to be a super valuable/reliable piece of technology.
My gist is here, I remembered during the 90's.. read an article about how internet/e-mail technology will seperate or distance face-to-face communication. Basically scientist believes that the humans will grow more isolated as more and more people owns computer. The computer will become the main medium where studies are being done (virtual classroom), shopping, meetings and etc which will eventually decreases real-human-interaction..
How not true this is..
The just-past weekend, I have personally proved that what those days' scientist said wasn't true.. (now I'm amongst the millions who have proved it wrong.. yippe!). I went to S'pore to meet up with a fellow blogger that has patron my site for some time. Meeting her for the first time seems pretty odd to me cause I've never met any of my cyber-community friends before in flesh..
There I was with Shermae, Shermae's bf, Sheau Lan, Phillip, Jean, Caroline.. waiting for our seat @ Nooch, Paragon. A voice from somewhere came:-
Hazel: "Hey! You're Edwin rite?"..
I looked up..
Ed: "Oh!.. er.. Hi.. Hazel yeah?"
That's it! we've finally met!.. Together with her buddy, Mer.. after a brief introduction and finally seated, WJ joins the crowd. A supposedly meeting of a two cyber-friends becomes a 10 pax dinner thingy.. am very very happy :)

WJ, Mer, Takako & Ed
The next day we met up again at her church, truth to be told I feel so so sinful walking in.. but it was much fun nonetheless :) moving on to makan after the service at the famous laksa (twas yummy!..) before we go on HK-trip-package-hunting and ended with a super-full-meal at Bugis.. Have to thank Hazel for being my tourguide thru-out the day.. I really enjoyed her company.

Hazel & Ed

Me & Hazel @ Bugis
So.. back to the subject, my personal opinion.. 'net' technology has created a bridge in ways of human communication that were barely even in the strings of thought in society, back in the 80s/early 90s. To me, it has make the world so much smaller and so much more intertwined than we've ever known..
Open your eyesss....!
Saturday, September 24, 2005
:: Ahoyy!!.. Land down south! ::
Will be going down to the south island today.. Hopefully can catch up with Hazel as well..
Will definately post some pictures up when I'm back! See ya next week!
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
:: 1 or don't 1 ::
Malaysia is a very nice country. Somehow, no matter where you've been in other places abroad, you will still come back to this warm little country.. Well.. being said so, there are times when there's something that the government do is just plain "useless" (would like to use harsher words but...). For example the AFTA car tax... and now the RM1 thingy.
Here i'm ranting about the RM1 coins that they planned to take back by December 7th. What is that all about mannn..? Can't they decide for once that RM1 to be either on the note or coin? Why would they wanna take-back all those RM1 note from us in the 90's and introduce us to the golden coins?
Now they wanna take back the coins after so many years.. abit dumb rite? What happened to the beloved RM2 note? and also the RM20 note?.. Hilang!!.. I damn like the RM20 note, cause it's damn rare!!
Why am I so furious?.. cause for the past few days, I've been struck by dumb-ass people who doesn't wanna take my bloody golden coin (cashiers and car-park attendent). And then the yesterday I was at the carpark of The Curve, they don't accept RM1 coin anymore!.. talk about efficiency! Helloooo people.. the coin is still a valid currency till 7th December!!
Same goes on the last Saturday.. I was at Shangri-La carpark after the Mel C concert thingy @ atmosphere wif Gloria. We went to pay the carpark on the machine.. it was RM15, so the "smart Edwin" dun have change and stuck a RM50 bill into the thingy and thought okay.. they will return some "bill a.k.a notes" back out, but NOOOO.. it went "kling.. klang.. kling.. klang.."
Gloria: "err.. u hit jackpot"
Edwin: "yeah.. damnit"
one minute went pass...
It was 50cents coins.. with the value of RM35!
... great job Edwin..
(damn you bank negara...)

Sunday, September 18, 2005
:: It's a Fact! ::
Normally, I'm don't get bored so easily on a weekend but since it's Mooncake Festival I've decided to just stay home and be a good boy. Since the sun it's blaring its flare out there I decided to read some of my newly arrived Maxim mags from the States. (its so much cheaper to buy online and have it sent to you personally than to buy it in those mag shop!.. roughly MYR12 per issue compared to MYR25-35)
Anyway, I stumble onto some amazing facts that I think its quite funny...
- According to the Consumer Product Safety Commision (america), Lawn Mowers were responsible for 53 deaths in the States in 2000.
- According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, 13,963 men went under the knife for breast-reduction surgery last year!
- Does the United States rank in the top 40 countries in terms of life expectancy? NO
- Does Popeye the Sailor have a newphew named Poopeye? YES
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
:: Of Plates and PCs ::
Here I am, thinking about my PC at home.. sitting there doing nothing (unconnected), for the past few days, its has become an MP3/WMA player. Am having a problem trying to connect my USB Wireless adapter to my PC. It blares the blue-screen-of-death everytime I plug that wireless USB into it.
Now am sitting in my office (again) typing off me blog at one corner.. with watchful eyes I hope me boss don't notice it. kekeke!!!.. Anyway, I always have the liking for numbers (just tat I dislike working with them..) I mean.. those numbers that you see everyday but neva really take notice. i.e. numbers on the national note (currency), numbers on a car plate or on a car's Odometer (trip meter). Quite funnily tho, I don't really like to buy 4D.. nor gambling for that matter, am totally different from my parents. :p
Anyway, here's some collection of number plates that I gathered (again) since my last trip to Jakarta... (after i spotted the "W1ND" number plate on a Subaru Forester)

Thursday, September 08, 2005
:: Krasshhhed!!.. ::
My computer Crashed.. Boom.. Bang..
The event highlight:-
On the night of September 5th -
Decides to do some house keeping on my beloved 2 years old desktop.
- Uninstall programs that I don't normally use.. takes up too much space
- Cleans up "unwanted" (evil laughter..) pictures and movie files
- System Check for Adware/Spybot
- Update antivirus
- Defragmentation of my C:/ and D:/
On the morning of 6th Sept:-
After noticing all have been done as I have ordered/programmed. We'll need to re-start the computer.. its sort of a gesture to re-fresh the system! So I did.. So did 'HE'.. HE was freshen up and decides not to wake up anymore. Damnit!
Written on the black screen on my monitor...
"C: drive is not found"
Please insert boot disk
Arrghhh!!!.. Kill me!!..
Morning of Sept 8:-
Just a while ago, I got a call from C-Zone, Low Yat stating that my HDD has no problem, the problem lies on my RAM.. & motherboard!!..
I can see my money starting to grow wings and about to fly away..
p/s: yeah.. on my laptop in my office now.. sulking..
Monday, September 05, 2005
:: Edwin's Blabber ::
Had an event yesterday.. (yeah.. on a sunday!!).. Same thing as last year, Beach party..@ MINES Beach Resort. Man-Made-Beach party more likely.. Guns (water) firing, Music pumping, Girls in Bikini, Free booze, Free food.. Free bruises and cuts from being dunked into a enlarged-pail of icy icy cold water. Twas great fun, at least it's not the norm 'clubbing' type environs we usually have. Ohana Day we named it..
Today is actually quite quiet. Spendin much of my day at home.. (yea.. i dun work on Monday), resting after the hectic Sunday. Surf around, put my 2cents on blogs, watched TV, cook Maggi.. thought of going to gym for yoga n pilates.. yummy!! Nothin much to do so I thought of bloggin'.. yada yada..
Oh.. gotto work tomorrow.. this's how my table looks like in the office..

My Mess-Up Table
..Hmm.. I wonder how do other ppl's office table looks like as well.. Wanna join the fun? Let's just take a picture of your office table and post it up!!..
Iz - I can't remember seeing any picture of yours.. or on ur blog..
Hazel - ur's should be interesting.. the table of a writer
Hocus - Get a blog site pls
Sexy Wei - wanna join?
Sue Lynn - Can't wait to see ur new place..
Mili - oiik.. HSBC gal.. pls respond.. you MIA veli long dy!!
Cyn - If you ever come to my page.. ;)
the rest - pls let me know ur page address if you decide to join in..
Okay.. gtg to gym now.. still trying very hard to make my fat abs in to fab (faboulous) abs..
Thursday, September 01, 2005
:: Yellow Mellow Me ::
I've just bought this CD (originals k?!) from 'Rock Corner' in Bangsar Village.. Proly one of the best CD I've bought this whole year.. (1 out of 2..) I really do not mind paying more for this circular-plastic-wafer-donut.
.. It reminds me of the time when Oasis was a great big UK Band which resonates all this slow-love-rock-tunes, along then comes Coldplay, Travis.. and many others but those mentioned are the world best and probably this new one that i'm listening might just shoot themselve up the Billboard UK best Rock Album.
Radiohead would probably have something to do with this genré.. I myself think that it branches out from them.. it's unique way of having simple tunes and sweet melodic vibes makes people sing along their songs.. how beautiful.. ok ok.. radiohead do have some weird songs i know.. but it's good overall.
Back to the subject.. What album am I talking bout?.. it's "Keane - Hopes & Fears"
I went up to their webpage and was reading their lyrics.. that's when I decided to blog it.. It's just beautiful and they're singing my heart's content in most of their song. I feel melancholy..
