:: Farewell to BAT n my beloved 307 ::
In 10th July 2006, I have finally left British American Tobacco (KENT).. it is a hard decision to part with such great company. But life as we all know, have to advance at some stage..
As for my Peugeot 307, I bid farewell to it, as the car has served me well since I started driving it about 2years and 4months ago. Now for the fun bit.. the last mileage I checked on my car was 81,280km in that mere 2y4m10d period..
Let me count..
Two Years = 365dayz x 2
Four Months (started in March) = 31+30+31+30days
10 days (as in 10th of July)
Total of 862days
Kilometers travelled in a day for the past 862days
81,280km/862days = 94.29km per day
Hmm.. Cool.. Does that mean I travel alot in my car?