I've been archiving these pictures for at least 3months.. been wanting to post it up since early this month.. but abit lazy to crop, retouched, resize and reformat the pictures.. and finally I did it.. cause due to the fact that my blog now looks kinda empty.. :) putting some colour into it!
All this pictures are taken whilst I was driving, if you've not notice.. just hope that I dun get sue for doing so.. (i dunno who might just bumped into this site and saw their car's picture).. hehe but rest assured this pictures are just for fun k?! what more the number plates are pretty interesting as well wat..
This pict was taken .. err.. okay.. i dun remember now.. sigh.. okay next..

AY5 = AYS (Anti-Yaw System) .. and i thought that's a Mitsubishi EVO's (ver.4 onwards) patented technology..
Okay, I saw this X5 in the parking lot in KLSentral when I sent Sheau Lan off back to JB somewhere around mid-last month.. Not that special plate but it's kinda nice to look at..
RB14 -> pronounced as Rabia :)
This is taken when I was going home from work and stucked in the jam while sneezing (i was having flu then..).. coincidence?
ahh ahHH AHH..!! ACU11!!!!
The following is pretty interesting, but too bad I tried my level best to give you guys a clearer picture.. one is BM 7 series with CAR7 and a BM 5 series with CAR5, and the more interesting part is, this two picture are taken on a seperate day but on the same street.. just outside my office "Jln. Bukit Bintang"..

Finally to the one I love the most .. this BM's no. plate is the cutest of them all.. and I meant it!
Caught it near Pyramid Tower Hotel and I remembered when the car drove passed me I was getting into my car at the nearby jockey.. I had to chase for this shot but it was well worth it!
Check it out!

Amongst all the pictures here I'd like to share some insights on some of the cars that I'd really like to shoot their plate no. but I haven't got the chance yet.. here are some of it..
Black - Harrier - PDL15 (POLIS) .. i think this fella stays near my area summore..
Silver - Waja - MAF14 (MAFIA)
Silver - Porche Boxter - W1
Blue - Perdana - PEN47 (PENAT) - malay for "tired"
Black - XC90 - WM P9.. looks like WM Pq