OK, you've all got blogs, so I'm creating one of my own, to sit, unvisited and unloved, like a forgotten grandparent, collecting dust in some home and, unnoticed... So now that I'm off on the right foot...

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

:: Ed's Blabber ::

as the title suggests.. i wanna write something but dunno what to write.. so i'm just typing off something and everything that comes to mind.

this may sound weird but I think it's just my mind doing the talking..

it's been quite a while since I've done this .. thus, got no topic for me.

Oh.. no.. hold on.. Some says that picture tells a thousand word (but of course) and I think I've posted enough picture on my blog.

Sometimes, it's nice to read what people have to write about... (look at Izchan's site!) It makes us imagine things or should I say, sometimes we remember more of what people have written and also we feel more in-touch with the things they have to written/rant about. Makes you feel like you know the person betta'.. words written down tells a certain character even without a visual/picture..

Just like the time me and Hazel tryin' to guess how Iz looks like whilst on our way to Darussalam.. :)
We were right on most guesses that we made..

Interesting eh? .. okay next topic

So, my big event has ended but those 'shit that hit the fan' hasn't.. am just waiting for the post-mortem to happen sometime this week. Dread to go work.. I feel the burden hasn't load off me shoulder just yet. Arghh.. I'm feeling lazy at this moment to even think about what had happened, cause this mornin' when I went back to HQ I've got some insider-news on how many problems we had that night... but Thank god it didn't affect the event as a whole.. I think I'll be facing the music tomm... our weekly WIP session.

On a totally seperate issue..

Went to gym.. still dun understand why this flabs still resisting to go away.. and dun get it why my arms are not growing.. yeah.. vainpot talking now..

Bla bla bla... Gnite world!


Blogger izchan said...

you actually manage to guess how I look like?

Kudos for you ... :P

I can't imagine my own face even when I am looking at in the mirror.

10:08 AM

Blogger Edwin Ng said...

is it cause you've been looking at it for more than 2 decades?

6:56 PM


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