:: The Trip to Jakarta ::
Yupperz.. I've been away from bloggin' .. away from KL.. away from home.. In a land far south western.
Almost couldn't make it for the trip due to some unforseen hurdles of flight ticket prices.. It's I guess normal when you don't plan ur trip earlier. Nevertheless - Me, Zul and Jeff (both my colleagues) still made it thru.. after all, Me & Jeff have neva been to Indonesia (no.. not even Bali) and we have a guide: Zul (being a half -Indon)

Arrival @ Soekarno Hatta Airport
Well, arrival at the place doesn't suprise me as much. Lotsa similarities with Manila, if I'd to compare it with another capital of Asian countries.
Learnin' Bahasa Indo isn't that challenging for us.. really.. just here n there..
Bisa = Boleh
Kamar = Room
Kamar Kecil = Toilet
Cerewek = Perempuan
Cerowok = Lelaki
Pancaran = Boyfriend or Girlfriend
Mas = Mr.
Pak = Mr. (more polite)
Our initial plan for the trip to Jakarta are actually to experince the 'clubbing' environ, from what we heard (frm Zul) it's better than those we have here in KL, but our adventure starts much earlier than that..
It's the traffic and the way people drive around town.. well.. let just say.. it's Quite an Adventure!
Here are some of the Clubbin' picture that I manage to snap..

Outside Centro Jakarta with Zul

The Gangs..
This are the list of clubs we've conquered:
First Night - CJ's @ Hotel Mulia
2nd Night - Tee Box, Centro & Stadium
3rd Night - Vertigo & X Lounge
4th Night - Roti Bakar Eddy (no.. tat's not a club.. ) LOL!!..
Other than that, I've managed to call Grace who happens to take care of the new FFirst that's launchin in a week time. It's the first FFirst in Indonesia, occupying three floors.. (in Bahasa Indon - Tiga Lantai).. well impressive.

with Grace.. at Plaza Semanggi (Fitness First)
Plaza Semanggi is just one of the many many many Shopping Malls in Jakarta.. it's surprising to see sooooo many Malls that some are even of higher-class than in KL! Yes.. people here are FAR richer than of rich ppl in KL.. it's kinda the extremes of both ends (poor being very poor.. and vice versa).
Places I've been? - Plaza Indonesia, Sogo, EX, Semanggi, Senayan.. hmm.. can't recall anymore.. anyway.. these places are quite expensive..

yeah.. rite.. W1ND?
I think I'll start photographing cars with weird/interesting number plates...

How would I look like if I'm Indonesian?
Well, lastly I must say thanks to Zul and Grace for lettin me to bunk-in their homes.. or else i'd be spending another thousand just to get a roof in Jakarta..
Tired but satisfied, I'd say this trip really opened up my eyes towards Jakarta, it's not what I think it is.. and it definately doesn't resembles Manila.. well.. another city.. another experience!
Oh yeah.. before i forget pls visit http://spykwaft.multiply.com for more pictures on this trip!