OK, you've all got blogs, so I'm creating one of my own, to sit, unvisited and unloved, like a forgotten grandparent, collecting dust in some home and, unnoticed... So now that I'm off on the right foot...

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

:: Dating Advice - 1 :: (Re-vised)

Okay time for Dating Advice for the girls 101..

Alright you women out there, listen closly. These guys you should look out for, the type of guy who is driving around listening to dance music like Lemon Tree and stupid dumbass songs from some CantoPop (mixed-and-remixed) that no body gives a shit about.

Y'know they turn it up really loud to get your attention while driving by, windows winded down as if your going to throw yourself on top of the car and start pounding on the windshield and say "Oh, I love you because your playing Lemon Tree!" Yeah okay.. what the fuck.. What you do is, aim for the tires and fucking blow those shits out and then he will crash into a telephone pole.

Watch out for those guys who come over on the weekend and all they do is watch football and then every five minutes they say "Hey babe, can you get me a beer from the fridge?" Fuck that shit! Tell that fat bastard to get up and get it himself.

If he gives you a response like "well, I work all week" Well, you know what? I'm sure most of you women out there work all week and have to take care of a child. Tell this fat bastard to get up and get his own beer. Tell him it's the least you can do since you've been carrying a child around in your stomach for nine months.

And at the end of it.. which at times can't be helped..

Guys who stalk their ex-girlfriend particularly piss me off, what the fuck is wrong with these people? Don't you have better things to do with your life than be emotionally attached to someone who hates your guts? Do something with your life, find a hobby. You know... geez... do you know how many video games are out there that you could be playing? At the very least shoot yourself (in a joking tone). Get yourself out of society, nobody wants to deal with a stalker.

to be continued... for the guys


Blogger izchan said...


Stalking the girl is the hobby.

Oh ... Anger .. path to the dark side it is ... I have the same issue. Once a while, I like to just tell the people that pisses me off to go and shove their ego into the place where the sun don't shine.

As for the beer thing. Does it really happend?

Babe? I thought we were malaysians? Most probably go something like "Cha Bo!! Coke sini!!!" {insert here, ensuring hell that will break loose}

10:49 AM


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