OK, you've all got blogs, so I'm creating one of my own, to sit, unvisited and unloved, like a forgotten grandparent, collecting dust in some home and, unnoticed... So now that I'm off on the right foot...

Sunday, July 24, 2005

:: A Sunday Evening ::

Just got back home.. no one's in.. bored.. Reminiscing on what happened the whole of last week.. Well, nothing interesting really..Then movin' on to read some blogs and then some mails..

Suddenly there's a spark in my head after reading some blogs.. so here I am, writing my 2cents away whilst listening to Digitally Imported web-radio on my iTunes. Something I wanna share with everyone on how I view this mysterious thingy called "Life"

Ever wonder why we are here in this world? What function(s) (some of us only have singular.. nah.. not worth mentioning.. ) do we play?.. I use to ask myself this.. then somehow by chance or whatever reason, I found enlightment (well.. sorta..) This is an explanation to myself anyway.. here goes:

We're here (in this world) to provide happiness and accomodation to people that we know. Not so much about ourselves, more towards what we can/willing to do to others that matters.

Agree? I dunno why, but this explanation that mysteriously appeared in my thought justified all my question about why we're here on earth and why we should be.


Blogger izchan said...

your essense tells you exactly what you need to do for your life to be meaningful.

its a unique song for each of us. Some might sound the same but it rarely is.

So kudos ... your soul is singing to you now.

5:20 PM


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