OK, you've all got blogs, so I'm creating one of my own, to sit, unvisited and unloved, like a forgotten grandparent, collecting dust in some home and, unnoticed... So now that I'm off on the right foot...

Sunday, July 17, 2005

:: Traffic ::

You know sometimes when you're in the rush and you were hoping to get a clear traffic to your destination its then that you will surely be dissapointed... and the traffic will never be there if you're not in a hurry.. Its sure is ironic...

Here I am having stayed in KL for the many many years of my life... rounding every corner of streets in KL, (spends travelling about > or < 100km/day [feels like a taxi driver]) which brings me to an enlightment about KL traffic scene I'd like to share it with everyone ere..

There's 3 noticeable conditions where you would never ever go towards KL:-
1) When there's a Selangor (its one of M'sia's state that encompass our Kuala Lumpur) public holiday..
2) On a Friday (its not known why KL is terribly Jammmmed on this day)... mostly after 3pm
3) On a rainy day... (yeah.. we all know that)

Any of the days that are mentioned has been proven to have really bad traffic.. IF any of the days mentioned are combined, i.e. It's a Rainy Friday i.e. 15th July!!... the situation would be horrendous.. Let me put the situation into perspective..

I normally takes 15mins from my house to the central of KL; Jalan Bukit Bintang... but on last 15th July (Friday) it took me 1hour and 30mins for me to reach KL despite all the short-cut I took.. damnit

Well.. er.. I'm just imagining what IF all of the three combined.. KL would be... wow.. i can just imagin'


Blogger izchan said...

Been there done that and do not want to ever visit it ever again.

The LRT works just fine for me thank you.

12:42 AM

Blogger Edwin Ng said...

hmm... interesting..

3:55 PM


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