OK, you've all got blogs, so I'm creating one of my own, to sit, unvisited and unloved, like a forgotten grandparent, collecting dust in some home and, unnoticed... So now that I'm off on the right foot...

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

:: Lew Lalio Station ::

It's 98.5FM dubbed the 'FlyFM'... from what I heard, it's a radio channel started up by the infamous FlyGuy. Apparently also it's broadcasted straight from KLIA.. hence the name 'Fly FM'.

Well it's definately an English channel.. was listening to it just a while back for bout' 30mins.. mostly songs, haven't heard anyone (DJ) talking as yet.. Anyway, was hoping to catch flyguy's voice back in action tomm.. :)

It's funny to know that all these years of radio-listening, whenever there's a new station.. they always say "music all day long.. " then along comes the advertisements and verbal-diahrrea DJs which really irritates the hell out of me.. an e.g. is this guy who holds the 'dance hitz' on 104.9 RedFM.. at 8pm till 10pm daily.. He will just suddenly blabber his opinion bout the songs while it was playing and sometimes even cuts the song half short to accomodate his diahrrea. Gawd... Leave the Music alone goddammit!!..

Back to the subject... so we shall see what this station meant what they promised.. "less talk, more music" (is it cause they don't have any adverts yet?... we shall find out..)

Hey this blog sounds like an advert for them... well at least to one or two who bothers to read my crap :) AnyHow they should be payin me royalty fees man..


Blogger izchan said...

I never did like the radios ... and yes its because they could not stop talking.

If I wanted to hear someone say something ... I will willinly pay 3k for the anthony robbins seminar. Atleast there we get to walk on fire and not listen to crap.

6:50 PM


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