OK, you've all got blogs, so I'm creating one of my own, to sit, unvisited and unloved, like a forgotten grandparent, collecting dust in some home and, unnoticed... So now that I'm off on the right foot...

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

:: all in a day's life ::

Monday - three exciting things happened..

1) Went for my exam (after studying the subject for 20+hours) in MII (M'sian Insurance Institute) for my "Certificate in Investment-Linked Life Insurance" a.k.a. CILLI.. yeah.. silly. Computerized exam, which means I will get my results on the point i click 'finish'.. Pretty scary I tell ya!.. that click was quite hard to press.. but to cut the story short.. I passed. WooHoo!

2) After the exam, I went over to gym.. going thru the Hartamas Highway, I was travelling about 100 - 120km/h cruising. Overtook many cars and one of them is a red Kenari Aero..

Then I went up towards Kerinchi Highway, after I passed the toll, the same red Kenari was in front of me again.. (no... i dun use smartag). Fine.. this time I was behind the Kenari once again, so when I tried to overtake him (yeah.. i managed to peek abit at the driver) on the left.. he suddenly swerve to the left (middle lane) and block me. I was like "Woii!.. wat the?!" at the same time my mind was thinking "HALO!.. wat's wrong wif you?!".

He then speed up and so did I.. eventually after passing the speed-check (with a long-windy left turn) there's a car in front of us and he went to the left lane and I went to the right (at the same time, I was already flooring my throttle). We met again after overtaking the middle-laned-car but this time I was already in front of him on the right lane and I noticed he's on the middle lane..

Suddenly I hear tire screeching sound.. and the sound came from my south-western position (7 o'clock).. in that split second my mind was like "Hmm.. the road is wet, how come still got screeching sound" and I know for the fact that the sound doesn't come from my car. The next split second I knew that he's in trouble..

I managed to sneak another peek at my left door mirror, whilst turning the sharp right and maintaining about 70klicks, I saw huge white smokes pillowing the street and the red Kenari hitting the wall barrier on the left side of the road!..

Amazing view.. and of course I did some soul searching looking for guilt...

Bahh!.. He started it! If you can't control our own car, don't go play around the street.. How could he never think about his own limits? Asshole.. trying to endanger the life of other people..

3) I met up with Sheau Lan and when I sent her off to KLSentral, I drove back to the same road.. indeed to confirm on what had happened, I saw the tire-screeching marks and also the marks on the wall.

Back to point no. 3, we wanted to do some catching up and we went for dinner in the Chicken Rice Shop @ Sentral. During the conversation, she stunned me by telling me that Shermae is getting married by the end of next year..

I was like.. "Shermae?".. "WoW!"

Shermae, if you're reading this.. I'd like to congratulate you here and now.. Remember to invite me for ur wedding dinner k? Am very happy for you! :)

I'd say this has been an exciting day for me.. and I hope there'll be more pleasent suprises coming along my longgg holz!..


Blogger izchan said...

ah ... the kenari ah bengs.

been there ... seen them.

never tried to speed with them because I am always afraid that they will kill themselves and someone else if they just flip over.

You do know that that car is like bloody van but without all the balance that it needs right?

anyway ... it was lucky that the guy did not fly over the bridge ant into that nice gym with all the glasses.

it would have been sad. the gym is nice.

3:43 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

tsk tsk tsk... hok yan chow chai ended up chong pek...

and u!!! tsk tsk tsk... go layan the chou ah bengs somemore!

8:11 PM

Blogger Edwin Ng said...

I didnt hok yan chow cheh!.. He wanted to chow wif me..

Tai hui sei.. tsk tsk tsk.. stoopid arbeng..

2:41 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

harlow... i said HE hok yan chow cheh la.. not u... u chong pek meh?

*choy choy choy*

5:50 PM

Blogger Edwin Ng said...

Hahha... got it got it!.. Choy!! Choy!!

9:16 PM


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