OK, you've all got blogs, so I'm creating one of my own, to sit, unvisited and unloved, like a forgotten grandparent, collecting dust in some home and, unnoticed... So now that I'm off on the right foot...

Saturday, June 04, 2005

:: M.I.A. ::

Frens: "Where have you been lately?"
Edwin: "No where.."
Frens: "Haven't seen you around!.. You allright?"
Edwin: "Yeah.. I'm fine.. just a little busy"
Frens: "With what? Your work so easy.. go out and socialize only what, got event meh?"
Edwin: "My work easy?.. That's what everyone says.. damnit!" .. "I'm juggling between work and studies.. that's why" paused.. "and err.. no events as yet.."
Frens: "Study?.. You??! How old are you la?... Hahahahah!!"
Edwin: "Shaddup!.. YESS....am studying.. exams are comin very soon.."
Frens: "Errr.. Why la??! What are you studying? BAT paying?"
Edwin: "Hahahah... Kennot meh?.. doin CIM.. no they're not paying"
Frens: "Ohh.. that's why!.. Good luck man! When's ur exam??"
Edwin: "Heeheheh.. Thanks!.. it's coming Tuesday...7th "..
Frens: "Oh.. aren't you supposed to be studying instead of typing this blog?"..
Edwin: "Fucker..."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wahlau..study?What's CIM?

11:43 AM


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