:: A new Beginning ::

Another year has pass by, this year seems a lil' quicker than the last.. Several things to be remembered by..
- Mindset, how you think will shape your future!
- Having read a lot of self-help books and find that the world is a much better place to live in.
- There are many people who want you to succeed and are willing to help you.
- There are those who want you to fail.
- Don't pre-judge.
- There's a lot of room to improve on. Physically and mentally.
- I have gain lotsa KG! about 4! and Lam says I look like a snowman.. fucker..
- China' food sucks! and Beijing is freakin' cold (avg -5 C' ) in winter time..
- I've climbed the World's Longest Wall.. Great Wall of China!
- 150,000 production record for this year.. :O
- A Dollar has fallen to a mere RM3.30 from RM3.70 early this year..
- Mac is the best!.. Got another Mac in June, MacBook Intel Duo Core 2.0Ghz (black) Yay!
- Shopping is haven in KL..
- Facebook is addictive.. i mean.. REALLY addictive.. especially Texas Hold Em'
- The world are very much connected now thru internet.
- Uncle Eddie passes on..
- I'm now a grand-uncle!.. my niece had a daughter!
- Malaysian fireworks are not the best.. Aussies' are..
- Pork Noodle in OUG is the best lunch on Sundays
- I still can't get rid of my oakley addiction.. not that i want to.. :) (cont. below..)

I have use all my might to resist it!.. but its futile when I heard from her it's the only one in Malaysia currently.. might be the only one ever.. Arghh!.. HOW TO RESISTS?!!! .. hahaahh!! now i'm wearing it proudly..

Can you just check out the design?! it's hilarious, twisted, subversive and flat-out brilliant!.. now i'm off to a good start in my New 2008 with my sunnies!