OK, you've all got blogs, so I'm creating one of my own, to sit, unvisited and unloved, like a forgotten grandparent, collecting dust in some home and, unnoticed... So now that I'm off on the right foot...

Monday, February 14, 2005

:: Valentino's day RANT!::

It's 330am... Valentine's here... Am all alone... Have just finished a movie with Weng Seong - 'Constantine', it was quite allrite actually. Thou there were people sayin' it's not..
Gonna watch it again!

Why do I have this uneasiness feelin' surrounds me? it's like I'm lacking something.. This feeling is really shitty.. One thing in my life that I really cherish would be the amount of friends that I have.. Recallin' some fortune tellin' that I've done one time - that i'd have an amount of 10 very close & true friends. That's A LOT!!.. No and i'm not complainin'

Arrghh.. I'm feel like a confused little kid.. should confused be the word? True to heart and honestly am asking myself even.. why does all my relationship ends up so funnily? What happened to the LOVE i used to believe exists? That the world is so much simpler. You meet someone.. Fall in LOVE.. Get Married.. Have Kids.. and live healthy & happy.. (note there's no "happily ever after"). Question of preference? Or just that I take no shit?

Do we all want to find someone to suit our needs? Yes.. that's the thing.. but there's no such person.. If you're in a relationship.. we sometimes have to endure and be patience.. a fine thin line seperates it from sayin' you're "In Denial". Words ringing in my ears "Stand up for yourself"- says someone.. "Tell them what you want" - says another..


Blogger Cerridwen said...

happy valentine to all of us alone then :P nice view....

3:37 AM

Blogger iris skye said...

hey kor me giving u the hug hug hug!

5:19 AM


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