:: Lam's Wedding ::
22nd April - A day to be remembered, as my best buddy are about to hand over his bachelor-hood, I as his ceremonial bestman have gotten the previlege to also be the witness to his marriage to the-most-loved Anne Oh Chin Iym .
It was quite an eventful day not to mention exciting, as I have a plane to catch to KK at 2pm. The reason for this is quite simple, Lam's wedding day falls directly one day after my pre-planned KENT departmental trip to Sutera Harbour in KKinabalu.
Being Lam's best-buddy cum bestman cum witness.. I did what I think to be the best solution. Sacrifice and stay back 1day and only fly to KK to join my colleagues on the evening of the 2nd day of the trip. Well, it's the best of both world.. literally..
Here's some photo to share:-

The whole event went on smoothly in which the only hiccups was when the marriage registra person-in-charge was reading the vows. He was reading out loud when he pronounce what it seems to be the sentence '..you both are to solemnly swear..' to '..you both are to sodomly swear..' Twas a funny moment which I can never forget. So was Anne's mum when she gave me "the stare" after noticing that I was about to burst out laughing..
Trust me.. everyone in the room heard him and its funny!..
Thank god everything ended around 12noon.. and I managed to steal some time, take some pict and hang out in Bakerzin @ B'sar Village right after. My plan went on with some time buffer, but mostly thanks to my love who on this day act as my camera-gal and a more diligent time-keeper kept me on my schedule. Here's the rest of the picture tat was taken outside 'Tien Hao' temple..
damn the bride is hot.
the saksi is not bad either.
7:35 PM
OMG they've done it at last!!
Congratulate them for me..:)
Who is your love?What love?!?
11:39 PM
Hahaha... :)
IZ: yup yup.. ur too late..
ML: wait till u come back la..
4:44 PM
ed: when's the dinner?
4:04 PM
the dinner's on November dude..
4:22 AM
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