OK, you've all got blogs, so I'm creating one of my own, to sit, unvisited and unloved, like a forgotten grandparent, collecting dust in some home and, unnoticed... So now that I'm off on the right foot...

Monday, September 20, 2004

:: Random Thoughts ::

I always have this thought that : are we all wrong when we treat people nicer?
why do some people get over your head everytime you want to treat them nicer?
Is that also why the "baddies" alwayz gets the hottest babe?...


Blogger Moolah said...

so ed.. what does it mean by why cant u treat ppl nice? what do you mean by it? meaning how come when u treat people nicely, they always get the wrong idea? if that is what you mean, lets just say.. for instance.. the "nice" way that you treat people, would definitely be assumed wrongly because in comparison, it is just a thin fine line between friends and more than friends there..maybe you wont understand what i am trying to say here.. haha.. because i just cant describe it... well... because u are just so sweet, caring and soft to galz.. how to not love u? :P anyway... cheerios ol chap!

2:33 PM

Blogger MoJo Jo-Jo said...

My dear, treating others nicer isn't wrong. Of course you will expect some to step not only over your head but all over you. Isn't that part and puzzle of life... at least with those feeling, you know you are alive... You just need to know when to make your stand.

As for the Baddies always get the hottest babe.... either the babes are just as bad or they are just attention seeker or they just feel safe somewhat with the baddies... hehe... But you are a darling... stay that way...

10:13 PM


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